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Of 380,000 SA children, 64,000 are living in poverty, which would fill Adelaide Oval to overflowing with thousands of young people not getting a seat.
That equates to 1 in 6. For any child to be living in poverty in SA is indefensible and must be addressed.

This Anti-Poverty Week - on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - Alongside the CCYP/Co-Chair Anti-Poverty Week, the CEO’s of SA’s major community service organisations are calling on the SA Government to take action to end poverty now.
They are at the coal face, meeting the families with the children and young people affected by poverty.

These are the 64,000 SA children and young people who do not have enough food to eat.
They miss breakfast, and often go to school without lunch.
The cost of essentials they and their families can’t afford include, transport,
medications, school excursions, and fees for things other kids get to enjoy.

In order of appearance:
Ross Womersley, CEO, SACOSS (South Australian Council of Social Services)
Terese Edwards, CEO, Single Mother Families Australia
Dr Harry Randhawa, Chief Executive, Uniting Country SA, Port Pirie
Evelyn O’Loughlin, CEO, St Vincent de Paul Society SA
Jenny Hall, CEO, UnitingSA
Rohan Feegrade, CEO, Lutheran Care SA/NT
Sue Raw GAICD, CEO, Baptist Care (SA) Inc
Aradia Sayner, CEO, Women in Poverty Network
Helen Connolly, Commissioner for Children & Co-Chair Anti-Poverty Week SA
Dr Jen Cleary, CEO, Centacare Catholic Country SA
Shane Maddocks, CEO,, Mount Gambier and Co-Chair Anti-Poverty Week SA
Simon Schrapel AM, CEO Uniting Communities SA

With many thanks to Adelaide Oval.

#antipovertyweek #endchildpoverty

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